
Publiez Ce Que Vous Payez (2003)

Publié le 1er janvier 2006 - Publiez Ce Que Vous Payez

Publiez Ce Que Vous Payez (2003)

Initiée en Grande Bretagne en juin 2002 par Global Witness, appuyée aujourd’hui par plus de 110 organisations non gouvernementales, la campagne « Publiez ce que vous payez ! » a pour principal objectif d’aboutir à ce que les compagnies extractives (pétrole, gaz et ressources minières) publient, de façon systématique et transparente, le montant des taxes et redevances de toute nature qu’elles versent aux Etats des pays dans lesquels elles sont présentes.

De cette façon, les parlements et les citoyens de ces pays disposeront d’informations, sur la base desquelles, ils pourront suivre l’usage fait de ces revenus et veiller à ce que ceux-ci participent au développement et à la réduction de la pauvreté. Cette plus grande transparence permettra de lutter contre les détournements de fonds, la corruption et l’appropriation illicite des ressources en cause, phénomènes constatés dans de nombreux pays incarnant ce paradoxe richesse en ressourcesnaturelles/pauvreté de la population (Angola, Azerbaïdjan, Indonesie, Congo-B, République Démocratique du Congo, Nigeria, Kazakhstant, Venezuela, etc.)

La plateforme française “Publiez ce que vous payez !”, lancée en avril 2003 compte aujourd’hui une dizaine de membres : Agir Ici, Amis de la Terre, Secours Catholique/Caritas France, Survie, Association Sherpa, CRID, Collectif Total ne fera pas la loi !, Semaines Sociales, Transparency International France, etc.

Site web de la coalition :

Publish What You Pay (PWYP) is a global civil society coalition that helps citizens of resource-rich developing countries hold their governments accountable for the management of revenues from the oil, gas and mining industries. Natural resource revenues are an important source of income for governments of over 50 developing countries. When properly managed these revenues should serve as a basis for poverty reduction, economic growth and development rather than exacerbating corruption, conflict and social divisiveness.


Since the launch of the Publish What You Pay campaign in 2002, the coalition has grown in both scope and geographical presence and has established itself as the global civil society platform working on extractive industry transparency issues.

From its inception, PWYP’s objectives have been for companies to “publish what you pay” and for governments to “publish what you earn” as a necessary first step towards a more accountable system for the management of natural resource revenues.

It is impossible however to ensure the proper management of natural resource wealth by looking exclusively at revenues. The objectives of PWYP have as a result expanded to call for transparent and accountable management and expenditure of public funds as an essential way to addressing the poverty, corruption and autocracy that too often plague resource rich countries. A further call of PWYP is for the public disclosure of extractive industry contracts and for licensing procedures to be carried out transparently in line with best international practice. This is central to any effort to trace revenues and expenditures in the extractive industries as contracts determine the benefits, obligations and indeed the transparency of the agreements between countries and industry.

For more detail about PWYP’s objectives click on the links below.

Transparency of company payments and government revenues

Transparency of government expenditure

Transparency of contracts and licensing procedures