Survie, a french non-profit association (Loi 1901), depends on its own members contributions, donations or royalties based on its books sales. Survie does not get any government subsidy and refuses any donation from political parties, churches or unions.
The association’s self-funding garantees its independence and emphasizes the role of individual support, whether it comes from members or supporters.
Your financial support is essential to our campaigning and research activities.
There are different ways to support our work :
You can join us, make a donation or subscribe to our monthly review, Billets d’Afrique et d’ailleurs by check or money order.
Automatic debit is the safest way to sustainably support our action. It allows you to share out your donation according to your means. At the beginning of each year, you will get a receipt for tax cut, corresponding to the total amount of funding made during the past year.
Download anf fill this form then send it to Survie, 210 rue Saint Martin, 75003 Paris
Paypal charges a percentage of each payment made through its service (around 2€ for a 52€payment). If possible, please prefer paying by check or automatic debit